The Committee on the Environment works to formulate a broad ecological understanding of the Emory environment and evaluate environmental issues to develop specific recommendations for action.
Environmental issues will be resolved through discussion, proposals, policy statements, and review of potential environmental impacts from Emory's activities within the campus and the activities of others which may impact the Emory campus. In the spirit of self-governance, the committee will receive written or verbal presentations from students, staff, faculty and administrators as part of its environmental deliberations.
Large-scale projects are of special concern since their environmental impacts may be lessened or negated most easily if addressed earl in the planning stage; accordingly, the committee will review initial and final environmental plans. The results of environmental reviews will be shared with committees which approve other aspects of campus projects and with the administration.
To facilitate communication, one member of the Committee on the Environment will serve as an official liaison member of the Campus Development Committee. Administrators serving on the Committee on the Environment will be designated as liaison to Emory's administration. When appropriate, the Committee on the Environment will meet with other Emory committees to resolve environmental concerns.