Senate Leadership

The University Senate is an essential component of University governance. For this reason, students, faculty, and staff from each unit of the university are represented within the Senate.

The University Senate is composed of:

  • Ex officio members from the university administration
  • Members of the Faculty Council
  • Executive board members from the Employee Council, Emory University Postdoctoral Association, Student Government Association, and Graduate Student Government Association
  • Faculty and Student Representatives from each school
  • Representatives from alumni, librarians, staff, and academic deans

2024 – 2025 Roster

Executive Committee





PresidentGeorge ShepherdSchool of Law2023-2026
President-ElectNoelle McAfeeCollege of Arts and Sciences2024-2027
SecretaryWalter KolisCampus Services2024-2025
President of GSGAFrancis YejiLaney Graduate School2024-2025
President of SGAAbigail DubinskiCollege of Arts and Sciences2024-2025
President of Oxford SGAKenan BajraktarevicOxford College 2024-2025
President of Staff CouncilApril EdwardSchool of Medicine2023-2026
Past-President of Staff CouncilShervon LewisCampus Services2022-2025
President-Elect of Staff CouncilLiz CarlinoCampus Life2024-2027
Chair of Postdoctoral AssociationMonica ThieuCollege of Arts and Sciences2024-2025
Administrative SupportLisa ParkerOffice of the President

Past Presidents


2023-2024: Nitika Gupta, School of Medicine

2022-2023: Alicia DeNicola, Oxford College

2021-2022: Octavian Ioachimescu, School of Medicine

2020-2021: Giacomo Negro, Goizueta Business School


2019-2020: Ani Satz, School of Law

2018-2019: Jason Schneidner, School of Medicine

2017-2018: Henry Bayerle, Oxford College

2016-2017: Kristin Wendland, Emory College of Arts & Sciences

2015-2016: Jaffar Khan, School of Medicine

2014-2015: Kathryn Yount, Rollins School of Public Health

2013-2014: Debra Houry, School of Medicine

2012-2013: Gray Crouse, Emory College of Arts & Sciences

2011-2012: Erica Brownfield, School of Medicine

2010-2011: Steve Everett, Emory College of Arts & Sciences


2009-2010: Ken Carter, Oxford College

2008-2009: Steve Kuller, Rollins School of Public Health

2007-2008: Nadine Kaslow, School of Medicine

2006-2007: Thomas Frank, Candler School of Theology

2005-2006: Michael Rogers, Oxford College

2004-2005: Sharon Strocchia, Emory College of Arts & Sciences

2003-2004: John Snarey, Candler School of Theology

2002-2003: William Branch, School of Medicine

2001-2002: Frank Vandall, School of Law

2000-2001: Claire Sterk, Rollins School of Public Health


1999-2000: John Boli, Emory College of Arts & Sciences

1998-1999: Virgil Brown, School of Medicine

1997-1998: William Cody, Oxford College

1996-1997: Luke Johnson, Candler School of Theology

1995-1996: Richard Letz, Rollins School of Public Health

1994-1995: Luther Smith, Candler School of Theology

1993-1994: Frank Lechner, Emory College of Arts & Sciences

1992-1993: Myron Kaufman, Emory College of Arts & Sciences

1991-1992: Sheryl Goodman, Emory College of Arts & Sciences